The second Women’s European Council summit took place on 10 October 2018 at the European Parliament.
Members of the European Parliament, European Commissioners, Representatives of EU member States, women and men from finance, digital industry, data protection, show business, experts of technology and gender policy discussed how to reshape the economy of tomorrow and launched #AnotHer Europe Manifesto for the 2019 European elections.
The second WEUCO summit has been full of content and definitely, gave the kick-off to a public debate involving EU institutions and civil society to change the structure of society and reinvent the economic model, with the aim of achieving an inclusive and sustainable growth.
No public policies, no investments, no algorithms nor new apps are neutral. They respond to the objectives decision makers and firms want to achieve. Often those objectives are driven mainly by profit and take into account only the condition of white male, excluding women and minorities. Instead, it is an absolute fact that societal and business models driven by value of diversity and inclusiveness are the most successful!
This is the reason why it is key to monitor that the goals society, institutions and companies establish are inclusive and no discriminatory. It is thus key for women being aware about the role we want to play in our society and economy and how we should contribute to shape a better world.
Access to labour market, decent and fair work conditions, welfare state, investments in innovation, education and lifelong learning, respect of ethics principles in the digital economy are crucial issues to pursue equal opportunities and strengthen women’s leadership.
WEUCO conclusions have put forward key proposals for the European elections of May 2019. On the top of our priorities there is women leadership in the European institutions and a set of urgent actions to take from now to build a fairer Europe.
Mercedes Bresso
Digital revolution could be an advantage for women but they need more professional skills
Mercedes Bresso
This is the moment to ensure women equal pay for equal job
Giovanni Buttarelli
Why data protection is relevant for women
Giovanni Buttarelli
Data protection benefits from the experience by women
Giovanni Buttarelli
This is the moment to orient the development of new technologies
Giovanni Buttarelli
Message from EDPS to women Do not underestimate discrimination of new technologies
Giovanni Buttarelli
New technologies are not neutral
Isabella De Michelis
Talks about women in business, citizens u2018rights in digital economy
Isabella De Michelis
Almost impossible for women to raise capital in Europe
Isabella De Michelis
Why is difficult to withdraw your consent from apps
Isabella De Michelis
We want a Europe with rights
Karima Delli
It’s time to propose a woman and man to EU top position
Karima Delli
Supports AnotHer Europe campaign for women leadership
Karima Delli
Men donu2019t want to share the power
Karima Delli
On double candidatures to ensure gender balance
Karima Delli
We must talk about the place of women in society
Iratxe Garcia Perez
Full speech
Iratxe Garcia Perez
The need of gender representations
Iratxe Garcia Perez
Spanish feminist government and women power
Nathalie Gilson
The need to have women leadership at all level of governance
Theresa Griffin
Full speech
Theresa Griffin
Gender pay gap is a disgrace
Theresa Griffin
Brexit is a disaster and affects low paid women the most
Theresa Griffin
Equal pay for work of equal value. What a fundamental human right is that?
Theresa Griffin
We must ensure that no women are left behind in digital revolution
Theresa Griffin
We must ensure that digital revolution is for people
Virginija Langbakk
Full speech by EIGE Director
Virginija Langbakk
There are no women’s issues there are societal issues
Virginija Langbakk
Why women do not vote for women?u00a0
Virginija Langbakk
Women are discourage to go into politics
Virginija Langbakk
Explains why we need more women in politics
Maria Leander
Full speech
Maria Leander
Gender strategy at European Investment Fund
Maria Leander
Women are underrepresented in financial sector
Maria Leander
Diversity leads to higher performance
Maria Leander
EIF programs to boost women in finance
Monica Mandelli
Full speech
Monica Mandelli
You can not be what you can not see
Monica Mandelli
The need of financial literacy and independence
Monica Mandelli
WLB and women support at KKR Capital Markets
Monica Mandelli
Making changes within the system is key
Monica Mandelli
Public and private sector should cooperate to be agent of change
Monica Mandelli
Firms with women at the top perform better
Christine Revault D’Allonnes Bonnefoy
Full Speech
Christine Revault D’Allonnes Bonnefoy
Women developed a new vision of the system we live
Helga Stevens
Full speech
Helga Stevens
Women leadership in the EP
Helga Stevens
Women representation
Helga Stevens
Sharing family responsibilities
Helga Stevens
Istanbul Convention
Helga Stevens
About diversity
Sandi Toksvig
Full speech
Sandi Toksvig
Next President of the Commission should be women and that’s it